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Recent News
March 2021 – Now may be the time to sell your business
March 4, 2021 / in Exit Planning, News, Sell a Business / by Roy Martinez
It typically takes 6-12 months (or more) to sell a business. So… if you want to sell your business in 2021, you really need to start now. Selling a business has many steps: 1. Assess the business to establish probable selling price and validate your decision to sell 2. Create a plan 3. Build a business sale team – intermediary (Exit Strategies), attorney, CPA, others 4. Develop market materials – NDA, Executive Summary, CIM (confidential …
M&A Financing During the Pandemic
February 16, 2021 / in Acquire a Business, News, Sell a Business / by Al Statz
The pandemic has put lower middle market business sales and acquisitions on somewhat of a roller coaster ride. Deal volume declined sharply in Q2-Q3 and came back strong in Q4. Valuations have remained strong throughout the pandemic, at least for COVID-resistant businesses. Though there was a slight Covid-effect in Q2-3. In terms of M&A financing, capital structures shifted to slightly more less debt during 2020, before edging back up to pre-pandemic levels in Q4. To …
Market Pulse Survey: Still a Seller’s Market
February 16, 2021 / in Acquire a Business, News, Sell a Business / by Al Statz
Despite the effects of the pandemic, we continued to experience a seller’s market in the fourth quarter of 2020, for businesses with enterprise values over $2 million. Presented by IBBA & M&A Source For further information on M&A market conditions, or to discuss a current business sale, acquisition or valuation need, contact Al Statz, 707-781-8580 or
M&A ADVISOR TIP: Cybersecurity is a Buyer Priority
February 16, 2021 / in Acquire a Business, News, Sell a Business / by Al Statz
New research from Datasite reveals that cybersecurity is the #1 cause of buyers withdrawing from a merger or acquisition during due diligence. Deal makers said about 1 in 10 deals fell through during due diligence. Cybersecurity issues was the cause in 36% of these failed deals, followed by financial weakness, excessive valuation, financial irregularities, and leadership issues. To ensure that your data security practices will not be a concern for prospective buyers of your company, …
Exit Strategies Group Advises on the Sale of Poly Seal Industries
January 28, 2021 / in News, Sell a Business / by Al Statz
Exit Strategies Group recently advised the owner of Poly Seal Industries on a sale to Goodyear Rubber Company. Founded in 1974, Poly Seal Industries is a Berkeley, California based manufacturer of molded rubber products for customers in the biopharmaceutical, water & wastewater treatment, chemical, healthcare, food & beverage, and consumer electronics industries. In addition to producing quality custom products, Poly Seal helps customers succeed by providing manufacturing engineering and material science expertise. Goodyear Rubber Company …
Exit Strategies Group Represents Shareholders in the Sale of Gibson Engineering
January 6, 2021 / in News, Sell a Business / by Al Statz
Exit Strategies Group is pleased to announce that Applied Industrial Technologies has acquired Gibson Engineering Company, a value-added distributor and system integrator of industrial automation technologies. Exit Strategies Group served as the exclusive M&A advisor to Gibson shareholders. Gibson Engineering, based in Norwood, MA, distributes advanced robotics, vision systems, sensors, motion and machine controls, material handling and other industrial automation products, and integrates mixed technology systems. For over 40 years, Gibson has been a trusted …
Discover Exit Strategies’ New Checklist of COVID-Era Normalization Adjustments
November 5, 2020 / in Business Valuation, News, Sell a Business / by Al Statz
For most of us, 2020 has been one of the most challenging years of our lives. The pandemic has affected business performance both negatively and positively, temporarily and structurally. It will permanently reshape the global economy in several ways, most of which we are just beginning to understand. Change and uncertainty makes the job of valuing and appraising businesses and business assets more challenging. At the core of every business valuation analysis is the process …
Lopsided Market Drives M&A Values in Pandemic
October 22, 2020 / in Exit Planning, News, Sell a Business / by Al Statz
With all the upheaval in the world right now, you’d expect M&A deal values to take a dip. But recent market analysis shows that’s anything but the case. According to GF Data [1], companies with an enterprise value of $10 million to $25 million sold at an average multiple of 5.9 times EBITDA in the first two quarters, versus a 5.7 average from 2003 to present. Similarly, business sales with a transaction value of $25 …
Private Equity is Open for Business
September 18, 2020 / in Exit Planning, News, Sell a Business / by Al Statz
We stay in regular contact with private equity groups from around the country to monitor M&A market activity. Currently, the message we are hearing is that these firms are “open for business.” Private equity firms are in the business of buying, building and selling businesses. It’s how they deliver investor returns. They don’t have time to sit back and wait things out. The clock is ticking as they work to meet investor expectations within fund …
Gifting Window for 2020 May Be Closing
September 9, 2020 / in Business Valuation, Exit Planning, News / by Joe Orlando
With a Global pandemic and prospects of a sustained recession with double digit unemployment coupled with West Coast wildfires and East Coast hurricanes, I would say that everyone in these United States is looking forward to ringing in the New Year on January 1st. But before the ball drops on a socially distanced crowd in Time Square, you should think about other changes that may occur as we put 2020 in our rear-view mirrors. Specifically …