Success Habits of Optimistic People
“Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.” “- Helen Keller

- Gratitude. Simple pleasures from the seemingly insignificant experiences in daily life. Gratitude for a sunrise, or the rain, or a kind gesture from a stranger. Planting both feet on the ground first thing in the morning. A six second hug from a loved one. Daily expressions of gratitude normally find their sources among the smaller things in life. Reserving gratitude for just the major events limits the opportunities for “refueling the spirits”.
- Exercise. Walk the dog. Hit the gym. Pop the endorphins. Clear the head. Move forward.
- Empathy. Optimists express interest in others. They focus outward and make every effort to view others in a positive light. Optimists learn from others because they reserve judgment and listen.
- Manage the tribe. Optimists surround themselves with other optimists. Upbeat people create a better tempo and collective spirit, eliminating the energy depletion that negativism produces.
- Altruism. Optimists are generous with time and money. Optimists “give back” and recognize that the payback exceeds the investment. Generosity begets gratitude.
- Forgiveness. Shake off the grudges and tribulations of the past. There is no optimism in the past. Forgiveness wipes the path clean and makes the hike easier.
- Problem solve. Optimists see obstructions as puzzles in need of solutions rather than irreconcilable roadblocks.
- Express optimism: Smile. A smile communicates an upbeat, positive view toward life that others will recognize and want to share.
An old joke that addresses optimism involves a psychological study that was conducted involving two seven year olds, a boy and a girl.
The boy was placed in a room filled with every toy imaginable and left to his own devices. The girl was placed in a room filled with nothing but horse manure and a shovel. After an hour, the boy and girl were interviewed. The boy was distraught because “there were so many options, so many toys and so little time, that I didn’t know where to start.” The girl came out of the room smiling and giggling and upon questioning responded, “I grabbed the shovel and started to dig because I figured that with all of that horse manure, there had to be a pony in there somewhere.”
“Everything has beauty. Not everyone sees it.” – Confucius