Entries by Exit Strategies

Building Value Means Building Leaders

It’s the New Year, that time when many business owners make a fresh resolve to develop their business. For some, that means updating equipment and driving sales. But others will focus on something more personal and possibly more pivotal: developing their leaders. GF Data shows that a solid management team will increase the valuation multiple. […]

M&A Advisor Tip: Earnouts Break Valuation Deadlocks

Earnouts are often used to bridge a valuation gap between a buyer and a seller. It’s a compromise, of sorts, to break a purchase-price deadlock when the seller wants more than the buyer is willing (or able) to pay. In an earnout, a portion of the purchase price is paid out later, based on the […]

M&A Advisor Tip:  What Buy-and-Build Means for You

Private equity firms have increased their use of buy-and-build investment strategies. A buy-and-build strategy involves bolting together several smaller companies into a larger business enterprise that will likely sell at a higher multiple. See our post on the size effect. This trend is affecting many industries, from healthcare clinics to niche business service companies. The […]

Business Interruption 101

If you are reading this blog post from the Left Coast today, you know all too well the front page pictures and stories on the wildfires affecting Northern and Southern California in the past few weeks. The devastation is unimaginable. As I write this, the Kincade Fire in Sonoma County (just north of our Petaluma […]

The Sale of a Business May Actually Excite Employees

Many sellers worry that employees might “hit the panic button” when they learn that a business is up for sale. Yet, in a recent article from mergers and acquisitions specialist Barbara Taylor entitled, “Selling Your Business? 3 Reasons Why Your Employees Will Be Thrilled,” Taylor brings up some thought-provoking points on why employees might actually […]

Understanding Seller’s Discretionary Earnings

If you have acquired or sold a small company, or had one appraised, you’ve probably heard the term “Seller’s Discretionary Earnings”. Or you may be thinking “Earnings are discretionary? My earnings aren’t discretionary at all!” Let’s examine this often-misunderstood term, and how it compares to EBITDA, another common earnings measure. What is Seller’s Discretionary Earnings? […]