Entries by Exit Strategies

Why is That Information Needed?!?

When we begin a business valuation project the first thing we do is provide an extensive document request list. A week or two into the analysis, we send a customized questionnaire to help us understand the business in appropriate depth. Our questions are designed to understand the facts and circumstances of your business well enough to develop a […]

Buried in the Corporate Archives – a Valuation Case Study

A lot of our valuation work is done for the purpose of internal share transfers of private businesses, or buy-sell transactions. In doing this work, we often see that owners have overlooked or neglected to keep important documents up to date. One such document is the buy-sell agreement, which articulates important legal, tax, valuation and financing issues […]

Dental Practice Valuation Insights

It seems that every time I value a dental practice the industry has undergone or is going through significant changes. Patients and the medical community are rapidly recognizing dentists as oral health specialists which is expanding the services being offered by the dental industry. The dental professional is looking beyond the mouth. Connections between oral […]

Risk and its Effect on Enterprise Value

Investors have choices in how to allocate their investment dollars across the risk and return spectrum. Whether it be bonds, public company equity, or private company equity, an astute investor will evaluate the risk of return and expect to be compensated according to this risk. Business valuation, whether for public or private companies, has three […]

Build, Transfer, or Protect

Research indicates that most business owners have 60-80% of their wealth tied up in their businesses. Yet in our experience few owners have a clear idea about the value of their business and few have done much thinking or strategizing about how to build, transfer, or protect years of hard-earned wealth. Let’s examine these options. […]

How Well Do You Know Your Exit Options?

You have built a business that provides a strong income and comfortable lifestyle. However, if you are like most business owners you haven’t made the time to know the range of options you have to successfully exit the business and transfer your wealth. The tax, legal, valuation, deal structure, and insurance considerations are many. Even […]

Valuation: Theory, Practice and Reality

I attended a luncheon last week where a private equity firm’s panelist claimed that business valuation is too theoretical and inappropriate in the transactional world.  I instinctively question broad-based statements like this, when I hear them; however I listened attentively. The panelist correctly asserted that most valuation firms focus on compliance and litigation work as […]

Your Buy-Sell Agreement – Keep It Current Before It Costs You Money and Grief!

Buy-Sell agreements (BSA’s) are an essential, and often overlooked, element in allowing shareholders to realize the value of their investment in a privately held company. The BSA’s purpose is to a) provide a market for ownership interests, b) establish the price and terms for these interests, c) specify a buy-sell process that is orderly and […]