The Skinny on Valuation Report Options

Users of valuation services should know the most common types of business valuation reports: Detailed, Summary and Calculation of Value reports.*

Detailed and Summary Valuation Reports

Detailed and Summary valuation reports can only result from a full valuation analysis, not a limited scope analysis. A Summary report covers the same topics as a Detailed report but in less detail. Both sufficiently document the facts, data and information relied upon and the assumptions and analyses made, so that the conclusions reached can be clearly understood by intended users (shareholders for example) and withstand adverse scrutiny by the IRS, DOL, SEC, trier of fact, opposing expert or other third party.

For almost all business valuation engagements for tax, litigation or compliance purposes, BV experts conduct a full business valuation (aka appraisal) analysis and issue a Detailed or Summary report.

Calculation of Value Reports

In cases involving exit planning, buying or selling a business, or actual transactions between parties involved in a subject business and not at odds with each other, a limited scope Calculation of Value analysis and report may suffice. Even then, since these parties are not familiar with business valuation approaches, methods, procedures, assumptions, levels of value, rates of return, data choices, etc., a more comprehensive report can help curious users better understand the results. Calculations of Value (CoV’s) are less expensive than full valuations because they are less time consuming. CoV reports vary greatly in length and content.

Cutting Through the Fog

As professional appraisers, we want to be sure that the scope of work we perform is appropriate. According to the NACVA business valuation standards, “The form of any particular report should be appropriate for the engagement, its purpose, its findings, and the needs of the decision-makers who receive and rely upon it.” USPAP requires that an appraiser not allow the scope of work to be limited “to such a degree that the assignment results are not credible in the context of the intended use”.

Determining the appropriate scope of analysis and report for your needs and circumstances starts with a brief phone conversation with one of our valuation experts. See our list of topics for this initial conversation. Call us for a sample business valuation report.

Valuations play a part in all strategic transactions, tax, and many litigation matters. Al Statz is President and founder of Exit Strategies Group, Inc. which has four California offices and has been selling and appraising businesses since 2002. Al is an accredited business appraiser (ASA and CBA) and a Merger & Acquisition Master Intermediary (M&AMI). For additional information or advice on a current situation, please do not hesitate to call Al at 707-781-8580 or Email


* These terms are from the NACVA/IBA business valuation standards, effective June 1, 2017. Please note that ASA, AICPA (which publishes SSVS) and The Appraisal Foundation (publisher of USPAP) each use somewhat different terminology in their standards. The NACVA/IBA terms used here are generally understood by experienced valuation professionals following these different standards. Exit Strategies does not represent the AICPA, ASA, IBA, NACVA, or Appraisal Foundation and the views expressed here are solely our own and are not the official position of these organizations.